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The Great Chocolaty Robbery

Kellogg’s ChocoFills India Launch

In a market flooded with cereal options, Kellogg’s wanted to target teenagers with a brand new variant- Kellogg’s ChocoFills. Essentially a pillow-shaped cereals filled with chocolaty goodness.


Campaigns for cereals are usually built around certain buzzwords: health, nutrition, lifestyle, energy etc.

We wanted to steer clear of all that. Given the social space and teenagers as our TG, we wanted the campaign to be smart, tongue-in-cheek, irreverent, and still communicate the highlights of the product i.e. chocolaty-filled cereals.

To achieve that, we decided to turn our chocolaty-crazy mascot into a Chocorobber! The one whose life mission was to steal all things chocolaty.


The campaign was launched employing the Faking News format. The headlines screamed ‘Chocolaty treats go missing across the nation!’


Using social media celebrities, we got them into the thick of things – playing the hapless victims of the so-called Chocorobber.


We simultaneously launched a full-scale investigation of the robberies on our facebook page – complete with eye-witness accounts and a list of crime scene evidence.

On the launch day, we leaked a video of the captured Chocorobber who was held in maximum security prison. Even in captivity, he warned that how he would still escape and fill itself with all things chocolaty.

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